If It Matters, You’ll Find a Way

If you want something, go for it. Challenge yourself to achieve that. If you don’t at least try, trust me you’ll going to regret your whole life for this. We get scared for many reasons and often question ourselves that whether I should take a risk or not. But remember one thing if it matters, you’ll find a way.

We usually know what we want, what we need but we many times we don’t go for that. Why ?

There’s risk involved in that.

Often we get scared from circumstances, tough situations, other people and sometimes our own vulnerability.

We often don’t want to get out of our comfort zone. We don’t want to get out of it by choice no matter if we’re losing some opportunities. And We get scared to shift our self and carelessness, laziness and low self esteem often make it worse.

Work on your willpower.

If something really matter for you and you want to find a way to reach there, you need to make your willpower alive. There’s willpower in everyone. But everyone doesn’t use it. They suppress their will power in compromise, in circumstances, in other people’s opinion about them. They forget that there’s willpower in them. So if you want something in life you really need to work on your confidence and courage to use your willpower.

Good life doesn’t come easily

It all depends upon your actions, your deeds. What you’re doing to achieve your goals. It depends upon where you’re doing something or just making excuses. If it matters you’ll definitely find a way but you’ve to try at least.

One step a time

You can’t achieve something altogether. You need to go step by step. One thing at a time. Every single step towards your goal will make reach toward your destination. So don’t be in hurry to achieve something altogether. Notice everything; notice the signs universe is giving you.

Free your mind from everything that stops you.

Don’t think that you’re good enough. Don’t think that you can’t. Never do negative self talks with your mind. Just focus on what you really want. What you’re looking forward to achieve in life. Trust me you’ll find a way in process.

Just don’t concentrate on what you don’t want in life.

Move forward, don’t look behind. Let past be at its place. Don’t keep that in your mind. Don’t keep unnecessary doubts, negative restrictions in your mind. When you’ll free yourself from such thoughts. You’ll feel more powerful. Just focus on empowering thoughts.

Stop thinking, start doing.

Yes you’ve made plans, made scenarios in your mind. This and that, many things altogether. Constant reminders and all. But that’s not enough. That’s not enough to achieve what you want. You’ll find a way but you need to walk on that path. You need to do action also to achieve the desired.

Sometimes we just get stuck in our head, in our mind. We continuously think about random things like we’ll do this; we will do that way that way is better. But that’s not enough. You actually need to work on all these plans.

So just say one thing to yourself.

I’ll do it, I need to do it, I want to do it.

Just decide firmly. Take a stand for your decisions. And as I said above if it matters you’ll find a way. The universe will guide you towards things which matters.

Remember one thing “You Can”. If you want something you’ve to train your mind with this phrase. Nothing is free and easy in this world. Most of the time when it’s easy it’s not worth.

So you know now what you really want, think of a step, take a step forward and just do it.

Also Read:

When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned 

perspective mindtrip


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