What Is Brain Fog | How To Fix It

Brain Fog

Do you ever feel you’re blacking out all of sudden? You want to do some task and suddenly you forget what you actually want to do? You go to the kitchen, open the fridge and you suddenly forget what you’re looking for. Have you ever experienced something like this? If Yes then you might be … Read more

Is Social Media Addiction A Real Problem

Is Social Media Addiction A Real Problem

In this age of social media and virtual intelligence, there are many theories about social media. The positive and negative impact, pros and cons of social media, and many more things. But is social media addiction a real problem? Let’s know more about it. Do you feel the urge to scroll through your social media … Read more

Why Do Good People Suffer The Most

One of the most common questions these days “Why Do Good People Suffer The Most”, “Why bad things happen to good people”. This question reflects something like good people are suffering and evil ones or bad ones are enjoying their life. What is good exactly? Doing everything right. No mistakes in life? Everything you’re doing … Read more

How To Spot A Fake Nice Person

How To Spot A Fake Nice Person

In our life, we meet a lot of people. We often distinguish them and deal with them with their characteristics and their behavior towards us. But sometimes we can’t distinguish them based on their behavior, because they’re behaving something else and but our instinct says that they’re having a hidden agenda or motives. They care … Read more

How To Deal With Emotional Flashbacks

emotional flashbacks

First, let’s know about emotional flashbacks. What are the emotional flashbacks? Emotional flashbacks can be known as many names and definitions. Emotional Triggers Flashbacks of past traumatic experience Post-traumatic stress disorder The visual and auditory aspect of past traumatic experience So basically these are the events in which a person can feel that some traumatic, … Read more

A Reason To Feel Good

A reason to feel good

Everyone is in this hustle-bustle of life. We all are trying to find a reason to feel happy, a reason to feel good. If we’re really looking for happiness, the reasons are so simple and easy to find. But if we choose not to feel happy, then no external things can make us feel happy … Read more

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