What Is Stoicism Philosophy Of Life

Stoicism Philosophy Of Life

Stoicism Philosophy Of Life is an ancient philosophy of life discovered in Rome and Greece. This is not like old philosophies that people think is hard to follow. Honestly saying most of the old philosophies are not practical and difficult to follow. What I personally think stoicism is the most practical philosophy ever made. Tim … Read more

How to Not Need Approval from Others

Approval from Others

A common human tendency is “Desire to be loved”. When human evolution begin acceptance from the tribe was necessary to survive. But in the modern world except for the matter of fact, we’re bound by the law, we don’t actually need approval from others to live, to survive. Why do I need approval from others? … Read more

Self-Care Tips When You Are Dealing With Depression

Dealing With Depression

In this modern era, people have already normalized the term Depression. Many theories, many tips already exist for dealing with depression. But what I believe is depression started from within can end also from within. You just need to believe yourself and have trust in the process. These days depression is something like a monster. … Read more

How to Be Happy Alone

How to Be Happy Alone

Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone knows that happiness is a choice. But just knowing is not enough you need to understand this better. Let’s know one aspect of happiness, how to be happy alone. It’s not a rare question. Many people have this question. They ask their people, they do search on the internet … Read more

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