These days everyone is a love guru. So the internet is full of many dating advice from different kinds of people. But here I’m trying to give you “The best dating advice ever” in my way.
People are good at giving advice. And according to all of them that is the best dating advice.
But one thing you need to remember is it’s about them, not about you exactly.
Let’s know why their best dating advice is not completely about you.
Everyone has a different perception of different things. Their lives are different from ours. They can see our situation from their perspective.
Their advice is filtered from their perception, their life experiences, the past events they’ve through. So they’re advising from their point of view.
Of course, you can consider their “best dating advice” but remember what I said. They’ll say what they think, and that’s not completely about you.
So do consider but don’t rely completely on them, take their advice, and do what you think is better for you.
Everyone is not the same
You should accept the differences. You must no everyone is not you. They have got a different life than you. If you’ll think that they’ll behave or act according to you then you are wrong. If you’re giving someone your 100% that’s not necessary that the other person will give the same. They have different life circumstances, they have a different mindset, they have a different thought process.
You see everyone is not expressive. Some people do love you but they don’t show you. It doesn’t mean they don’t want to but it’s simply because they just can’t. But you can think I’m giving him my 100% but he doesn’t care for me etc etc. Yes, you deserve that hundred percent but you need to understand the way they are. Accept the differences.
One of the best dating advice I want to convey is don’t accept toxicity in your life.
Yes. No matter how good looking or how good someone is doing in his or her life. Just observe, trust your institutions, don’t entertain toxic or narcissist one.
Once you’ll start doing that, trust me it’s a vivacious circle. You can get out of this but damaged. So take your time, don’t be in rush. Observe and then only go ahead.
Don’t compromise with mental peace. One of the precious thing these days is mental peace. If you’ll get trapped by a narcissist or toxic one you’ll lose your peace eventually. So better stop, think, observe and go ahead.
One of the best dating advice I read somewhere is To be honest.
Yes honestly is important. It’s not only about being honest with your person but also to be honest with yourself too. Don’t rush into something or someone just because you’re moving on from someone. Be honest with yourself. Do you really want to date or you’re just running away from something else. You want a person or a shoulder to cry on. Think about this. And then decide.
It can be like the another person is into you so much. And you’re in temporary emotions. And when you’ll get over these temporary emotions you’ll start moving on. But other person will get damaged emotionally which is not fair enough. So try to be honest as much as you can.
Remember you’ve a Choice always.
Always remember you’ve a choice. No matter what. You you’ve choice of dating, stop dating, moving on, crying, being happy. You see everything is a choice.
If you’re not liking it, you don’t have to unnecessarily pull it. Be brave enough to take your decisions yourself. Anyone can you best dating advice ever but only you’ve the option choose, What you want exactly. So be wise enough to choose what you want.
Remember it’s about you, for yourself, by yourself.
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