What is most important success or mental health?

I’ve seen many discussions about what is the most important success or mental health. Let’s just get into this.

First of all, let’s just know what the World Health Organization says. It says mental health is the primary cause of mental diseases that influence our mental development and brain directly.

In my point of view, success can be compromised for the time being but mental health cannot.

How success is important in life?

Stupid question, I know. But just think once how much success matter in your life. Well for most of the people “A lot”.

And why not? Success provides a sense of confidence in a person. Success gives personal security. It is basically required in life. For some people, success is even required for their existence.

How mental health is important in life?

Mental health is the base of a balanced and healthy life. If you’re not well mentally, you’ll get affected physically also. If we want to function effectively, our mental health should be fine. Our physical health and mental health are closely associated with each other. Bad mental health can lead to depression and it will also affect our immune system. Later that is going to affect our overall health. So mental health is very much important to lead a balanced life.

Now the real question is

What is the most important success or mental health?

When people reach a higher level of success. Extraordinary kind of, there’s a lot of mental pressure, for competition, for maintaining the highest place. When someone reaches the highest of success, he doesn’t look down. He instead looks for higher goals.

Their mind, their egos are fragile at this point. Even the smallest change in their success, they can easily get shattered. They can easily get affected by such things psychologically.

There are two main things success create

Self negligence


People don’t care about themselves. They often ignore and forget when to eat, when to sleep, and much more self care things. They don’t care if they should stop and take a break. There’s a sense of superiority when you reach up to a higher level of success. When someone tells you that you should take of yourself, they often say that I know better. So while having the success they forget that they should also take care of themselves. That can affect their mental and physical well being.

Most of the successful people are lonely. Some are by choice and some are just like that. Because when they were struggling with their success they don’t even realize that they need someone.

When they don’t even care for themselves, then how can they take care of someone else?

If they allow someone into their life, they can’t make it to very long. Because they think they really don’t have time for that. They push people away in the process of getting success. But later it can affect their mental health.

Because we’re social beings and our people are important. No matter if they’re family, partner or friends.

What’s my take on success and mental health?

You see if your success is coming between your well being then it’s not worth it.

Beyond your career and your success, there’s life. And just getting success in life is not everything. You need to understand that. True success is not what you’ve done in life; true success is how you lived your life. Success and mental health can go hand in hand but if you know how to make a balance between both. And you must. Both are important but if you don’t have the health you can’t do anything in your life.

Remember one thing failure is inevitable. Success has a graph. Once it’s down it can be achieved again, raised again if your health is good. Success can be a choice but mental health is a need.

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