Life-skills that are hard to learn but will always pay off

If we’re doing someone reportedly, we’ll become perfect in that. As people say practice makes people perfect. So here I’m going to tell you about some Life-skills that are hard to learn but will always pay off. Eventually when you’ll learn these life skills your life will be more under control of you.


This is known as mindfulness these days and it’s very popular at this time among different generations. It makes us to be aware of surroundings, to be thoughtful, to live in the present moment. Mindfulness says that you should respect other people’s emotions, choices basically be empathetic. Thoughtfulness makes us listen to our inner self and to know what we want actually from life. So this life skill is completely worth it.

Learn different languages

Becoming multilingual is definitely one of the good life skills one should have. When you travel to different places or people with different cultures, you can use this life skill. When you’ll learn different things, people, and culture, you’ll definitely grow as a person.

Write a Journal

Writing is one of the best life skills one can have. It’s the best way of expression. You can write your emotions down, you can write about your dreams and ambitions. You can write about your strengths and weakness. Writing can help you to do something best in your life.


In all life aspects, this is one of the life skills you will really need. You’ve to negotiate in many ways. We need to learn negotiation in both professional and personal life. But you need to learn about how much one should negotiate. But this will definitely help you in every aspect of life.

Learning a music instrument

It doesn’t matter if you’re a musician or not but one thing every human being is a learner. When you learn something new something different your brain exercises more. And that’ll make you more active and reduce your stress. So this can be a good life skill for your brain.


Metallization is basically giving a thought to your thought process. Just be aware of your thought process. Be aware of what you’re thinking. Are these thoughts are useful for me or not. Keep a check on your thoughts daily for five minutes. Analyze your positive or negative thoughts deeply. This is one of the life skills that will be beneficial for your well being.

Reality Check

Every time you get lost in something unnecessary or illusion, ask yourself, is it even possible what I’m thinking. Sometimes we created impossible scenarios in our head and get stuck into that. So it’s important to learn this life skill to get back to reality.

Know your limits

One should know how limitless he is or where he should stop. People don’t know their limits most of the time. Either they are doing less or they’re doing more. They must know what they can do, what they should do, and what they shouldn’t do. Know your strengths, Your boundaries. Where to stop where not to. So do learn this life skill to use your limits well.

Art of convince or confuse

This is one of the best life skills in life one can have. You’ve to learn the art of convincing others. Because it’s necessary. Appearing for an interview, going on a date, doing a big deal these are some examples where you can use this skill. But in case if you’re unable to convince them, you also need to learn how to confuse them in the case where you have no option left to achieve what you want. You cannot learn this overnight but experiencing the different events you’ll eventually learn these life skills.

So there are many more life skills one should learn but here I’ve mentioned few important ones. With life skills, your life will be easier and happier in many ways.

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When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned 

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