Trick to stop thinking negative thoughts

The Internet is full of life tricks and tips. So you can learn every day a new thing. How to change your life; transform your life in a short time, in a day or two? How to get your love in a few hours? How to impress everyone in few minutes? Well, here my trick which I’m going to give will take time, time to give a thought, time to capture your thought process, time to practice. So let’s know about Trick to stop thinking negative thoughts.

Things that I’m going to tell you will not only work in negative thoughts but many other scenarios too.

When you’re daydreaming.

And When you’re overthinking.

When you’re thinking unnecessary things.

So all sum up in trick to stop thinking negative thoughts.

Assume you’ve done something, some work, or some decision a month ago. Now all of sudden you’re thinking “I wish I could do that differently”. It’s been already one month now you can’t go back to that time. You can’t go back to that place, that situation. Now, what to do?

Nothing you can do and nothing you should do. Just trick your thoughts and stop negative thinking about the past scenario. Come back to the present. Think about some present moment and get back to reality.

Do you know how much time you’ve already wasted in this unwanted thinking?

And it’s so common these days. Most of us do this. It’s a natural human tendency to think or overthink.

It takes so much energy. It is pointless. Tell your brain.

So coming back to topic trick to stop thinking negative thoughts.

Just ask yourself are these thoughts helpful for me?

Sometimes we get sad, depressed, angry, numb, and anxious for many reasons. Maybe you’ve lost someone recently, you’ve lost your job, you’re going through a heartbreak, or any other reason.

You’re sitting alone and thoughts are revolving in your mind. And thoughts are like

My heart is aching

I wish I’d do this or that

I wish I’d do that differently

I’m missing her or him so much

Why he’d or she’d done that

Am I bad, what is wrong with me?

Now assume you’re thinking about such things. Ask yourself are these thoughts helpful for me. Are they doing any good for me? What I can do about them. Any solution or answer to my questions, ask yourself that.

The answer is No.

Just say yourself no and the thoughts will disappear automatically. Say these words are not doing and good to me; these are not helpful and useful for me. Make yourself accept the truth. Do try this.

So what is the point of such unwanted thoughts?

We’re humans, thinking is our tendency. But thinking shouldn’t be overthinking. You really need to keep a reality check on your thought process. You should be aware of your thoughts. What you’re thinking exactly.

Don’t let situations trick into negative thoughts.

Nothing is permanent so are the situations. Don’t allow something or someone to mess with your peace of mind. It’s not at all worth.

Instead of getting trapped in such thoughts. Just use the above said trick to stop thinking negative thoughts and move on with your life.

Be in the present moment.

Learn how to be in the present moment. If you’ll focus on the present, these thoughts will automatically get disappear. You just need to practice this trick. Once you’ll start practicing again and again you’ll eventually reach the level of ignorance of such thoughts.

Is this helpful?

This one question can completely change your mindset and you’ll get rid of unwanted thoughts. If you want these three words can turn into three magical words and can be helpful for you or your loved one.

Use this trick and let me know if this trick was helpful for you or not.

Read Also:

The Power of Saying No

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