How to Be Happy Alone

How to Be Happy Alone

Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone knows that happiness is a choice. But just knowing is not enough you need to understand this better. Let’s know one aspect of happiness, how to be happy alone. It’s not a rare question. Many people have this question. They ask their people, they do search on the internet … Read more

Just As You Are, You Are Enough

You Are Enough

Just as you are, you are enough. Keep this in mind. Repeat this phrase in your mind. You are enough for everything.  Whenever you feel like you need someone, know that you’re potentially at dangerous state. The stage where you constantly need people, get dependent upon them. But you need to know one thing just … Read more

Stop Taking Things So Personally

Taking Things Personally

A very common word usually we use and it is in much practice these days “Miscommunication”. People say something else and we take it as something else and vice versa. So with two things, the common result is taking things personally and misunderstanding. Why we take things personally? There are many reasons why we take … Read more

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