Will life ever return to Normal ?

Will life ever return to Normal

This pandemic time of radical change made everyone think that “Will life ever return to normal?” And this is an obvious question in everyone’s mind. Will life ever return to normal? Those moments where we took everything granted can we re-live them again? Parties, beaches, mountain trekking, long drives, trips with friends, ceremonies will this … Read more

The Power of Saying No

power of no

“No” is a complete sentence.  We don’t need to justify our No further than that. But for some people, it’s a hard word to use. They find it very difficult to use no. Because they actually don’t know the power of no, that’s why they’ve trouble saying one of the most powerful words. There’s great … Read more

Life-skills that are hard to learn but will always pay off

life skills

If we’re doing someone reportedly, we’ll become perfect in that. As people say practice makes people perfect. So here I’m going to tell you about some Life-skills that are hard to learn but will always pay off. Eventually when you’ll learn these life skills your life will be more under control of you. Thoughtfulness This … Read more

When Life Hurts

When Life Hurts

There are many instances when life really hurts. The reason can be anything. You’ve lost someone, you are going through heartbreak, you’re working hard but getting no success, and you’re going through some physical issue. You see life can hurt anyone, anytime, for any reason. What to do when life hurts? You always need to … Read more

Just Breathe

Just Breathe

Life was never supposed to be clear , logical & organized like a book. So Just Breathe. Stop tagging life as – “it’s complicated !” It’s more interesting as we have no idea of what will be presented in our plates. We are here to play, sometimes we have to defend and other time we … Read more

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