Stop Taking Things So Personally

A very common word usually we use and it is in much practice these days “Miscommunication”. People say something else and we take it as something else and vice versa. So with two things, the common result is taking things personally and misunderstanding.

Why we take things personally?

There are many reasons why we take things personally.

You are an over-thinker. When you overthink, you create a false narrative in your mind then as a result you suffer and hurt yourself. You start taking everything personally.

You’ve low self-esteem. You think you are not enough. You’re not worthy. So whenever someone says something negative, which is not even related to you. You start assuming and take things personally.

You’re in a bad state of mind at that particular time. You can be angry, hurt, or heartbroken at that moment and you think everyone is pointing you. Everyone is noticing you so you take things personally in an unstable state of mind.

How not to take things personally?

Change your perception

Change the way you look into things. See things and words from a different point of view. Look at different possibilities.

Accept the fact that the person around us is also a human. And to err is human. They have different emotions, different viewpoints, and different mindsets like us. It’s not mandatory that what we like to say or what we like to do is also liked by them too.

Humans are not perfect. Nobody is basically. So stop taking things personally

Whatever they are saying is not about us. It has been filtered through their past, their present, things happened to them. They say what they feel but this feeling is not about us or because of us. That feeling is about their experiences, their mindset. If we try to look it from their point of view we’ll understand that it’s more about them less about us.

What people say doesn’t define our worth, our existence so stop taking things personally.

Accept Reality

If someone is saying something to us, pointing our mistakes, try to analyze if they’re Wong or right. And if they are right. Accept the mistake. Try to accept reality.

Stop making false and imaginary scenarios in your head and try to be in reality.

They are saying whatever they want to say but it’s up to us whether we need to accept that or not. Whether we need to react to that or not. So choose everything wisely, keep a reality check on yourself too.

Your subconscious mind is very strong. it can create imaginary scenarios in your head and it has the power to pollute reality and our state of mind.

Sometimes it’s just a simple thing that can make us doubt ourselves. And can make us think that the whole world is against us and making conspiracy against us. So keep a check on your thoughts. Try to differentiate between what is real and what is illustrated. That can help us to stop taking things personally.

Sense the nonsense

People are either full of nonsense and if they’re not then they are real. You don’t need to get offended by both. Don’t feel personally attacked by both of them.

When we feel offended by both of the above mentioned people then think.

Do I really need to take things personally from a nonsense person?

Do I really need to get offended by someone real saying the reality?

Learn to differentiate between both. Again keep a reality check on your thought process and your assumptions. Of course not taking things personally and not get angry or offended needs time. But this practice is not impossible at least.

Whenever you’re going through any of the above-mentioned situations. Take your time, keep a reality check, and ease yourself.

Our existence in this universe is very small, we are actually less important than we think.

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