What Is Grit | Why It Is Important For You

Have you been through people who are very much passionate and committed to their goals? They’ve been through a lot in life but still, they stick to their goal, their commitment. Failures and obstacles cannot stop them to achieve their goal. So if you’ve been through anyone like that – they’re people having Grit. And if you want to be like them then you also need to develop grit.

What is Grit?

A personality trait of passion and perseverance towards the goal, the dream, and success is known as grit. It is also known as mental toughness to fight all the odds and obstacles to achieve something meaningful in life.

Why Grit is important?

Well, today’s world is in fast forward mode. Most people want everything as soon as possible. Job, girlfriend/boyfriend, luxurious car, lavish apartment, money, and many more. It depends upon many factors.

So some can achieve it soon and many people can’t because there’s no guarantee for anything. Some people keep trying and some look for shortcuts. But shortcut is no guarantee to success.

But people who possess grit have higher chances to have success and reach their goals. Because when you’re trying again and again and facing failure, it’s easy to give up than to keep trying. But people with grit keep trying and they stick to their goal and sooner or later they actually achieve it. Grit is a magical formula to be successful if you really want to.

Grit is a realization that says ” I Can”.

What are the characteristics of grit?

Just know if you’re already possessing some characteristics of grit or if you need to work on yourself to develop them. So here are a few main characteristics of grit :


One needs to be passionate about his or her goal. First, you need to know what exactly you want, then you need to work towards achieving it. One must have a purpose with passion. People with purpose and passion have a positive attitude towards their goal. They know they can so definitely they can.


People who possess grit are conscious enough about what they are doing and what they want to do. They are careful about everything. One can do anything but one should do the right thing also. People with grit know that my goal is meaningful and I’m capable enough to do that. Once they understand things, then they channelize their energy towards it. It should not be like you’re perfect at singing but you set your goal to become a master chef. You should know very well what you are doing. Is it right for you or not?


One of the important characteristics of grit. It can be defined as the strong mindset and ability to cross all the hardships and obstacles to achieve what you want. Most of the people choose to quit when they face failure again and again but people who possess grit don’t quit even when they’re struggling, facing failures. They know very well this is the road that they need to cross to reach their goal.

How to develop Grit?

It’s not a hereditary thing. You need to train your brain to develop a grid. If you’re honest enough with yourself, your purpose, and goals you can develop grit with practice. Let’s know how to develop grit:

Hard work

Working hard is necessary if you want to achieve something. If you’re perfect in something and you’re in the right place with good luck, it can be easy for you. But with hard work, you don’t need to take any chance. Success will be definite.


If you want to learn something like music, cooking, sports, or anything, you need practice. So even when you’re working hard to achieve what you want, you need to practice for that. Again and again. If you get a failure, practice again then try again. Remember practice is very important.

Manage your distractions

In life, there are distractions for everything. And these distractions keep us away from our goal. One really needs to focus on what matters. Just focus on one thing – Why you’ve started? Ignore the distractions to focus on your goal.

These distractions can be your gadgets, your comfort zone, your toxic relationship, your addiction, or anything that restrict your growth. To develop grit one needs to manage the distractions.

Work on your mindset

We are humans. We can be vulnerable at some point in life and that’s natural. Sometimes we get tired of everything. Here you need to change your thought process and work on your mindset to strengthen your thoughts. Just keep in your mind “I can”. If you want to achieve it you need to work on that. Leave your fears, insecurities behind to move forward with possession of grit.

Just remember one thing you just need to shift your mindset from “I can’t” to “I can”. Don’t give up on yourself, your goals, and your dreams. Have grit and make it.

Also, Read

When You Feel Left Behind In Life

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