Will life ever return to Normal ?

This pandemic time of radical change made everyone think that “Will life ever return to normal?” And this is an obvious question in everyone’s mind.

Will life ever return to normal?

Those moments where we took everything granted can we re-live them again?

Parties, beaches, mountain trekking, long drives, trips with friends, ceremonies will this all ever return to normal?

What was actually normal?

Enjoying weekends with family and friends. Going to the shopping center and have a coffee with someone, surrounded by a crowd. Firm handshake and hugs with friends, Going to park with kids playing around, Marathons.

So another era has come.

Everything is different now. That makes us think will life ever return to normal?

At present everyone is full of fear, insecure from each other. Everything is going away from us, where we are not moving and inside four walls. Now we have got the time so we’re just thinking about what we are missing. We’re realizing major missing when it’s gone that’s why this question comes in our mind that will life ever return to normal?

We were basically so unappreciative of the freedom that we had in the past.

What you actually did when life was normal?

Most of us were not living the present. We were stuck with the past or thinking about the future. We were not exactly living those moments. But now when it’s gone we are longing for those moments.

We complained a lot in the past that this is not good enough. But now it seems that was perfect enough. And this is how it was, with almost every one of us.

When the time was normal we were constantly looking for a change and when time is changed we’re looking for normal. That’s how we humans are. So one thing which is constant in our desire is change. It’s not normal. Change is something we were looking for. And at present, it’s the same. We want to change not normal.

Actual question:

Will life ever return to normal?

Life has changed. We need to accept this fact. And it has changed a lot. Some things are acceptable and some things are not at all acceptable.

You see I can’t say about will life ever return to normal or not but one thing I’m sure about is – It will change. And that’s what we want.

When we see the history of mankind, change was there always. It was constant. But this time everything is changing at a fast pace which is highly noticeable.

Once you’ll accept the fact that everything will change someday, you’ll not try to hold them. You’ll get an answer for will life ever return to normal? Once you’ll understand that change is there as always. Universe has its own pace, own rhythm, own developing pattern. Some things are visible and some things are not visible. When we’ll move forward in life we never know what changes we have to follow.

We are currently in the change lane of the universe. We are struggling with it, we want to go back to normal, we want to re-live the past. But trust me you need to understand the fact that we don’t have any option it is the law of nature and we can’t mess with nature or the universe.

Universe has an entropic nature that never preserves, it recreates. This universe shapes new from the existing old one.

Once you’ll understand this, when you’ll hit the extreme of this change and manage to survive in the change, you can leave behind the past normal and you’ll be able to give the new normal the respect it deserves.

Also Read:

Pandemic Restrictions: Concept of Actual Freedom


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