5 Simple Ways To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

It’s very easy to be relaxed and in a place where you feel comfortable. Most of us are comfortable at a place where we are limiting our self to things we already know, already experienced. And sometimes people feel that’s okay. But that’s not okay. That way you can miss many opportunities in life, your personal growth will be stuck. So let’s know about 5 Simple Ways to get out of your comfort zone.

Taking the first step

Taking the first step towards something you want to do or towards something that you think is better for you, is the most important thing.

Suppose you want to be healthy and fit. So for that, you’ve to start to work out, physical exercise. That’s the first step. And the first step to getting out of your comfort zone is usually tough, not easy. But once you’ll start it will gain momentum and will seem to be easy and normal after some time. And taking the first step is the simple way to start to get out of your comfort zone.

Start with small changes

You don’t have to get out of your comfort zone all of sudden and change yourself in one go. That’s practically impossible. So start with small changes. Changes that you can control easily.

Suppose you’re going to a restaurant and you always order the same dish. Make a change and order something different. You’re keeping the same hairstyle for years and you wish to change but you don’t want to change it because you are scared to try something new. So just go for it.

Make your holiday plan for a different place. Buy some different kind of watch. For a change read some different genres. Learn something new. Get yourself out of your comfort zone by making small changes.

Use your curiosity

Just refuel your curiosity for things, place, people and overall life. When you start making changes. You’ll notice you will start to learn new things. You’ll be able to make different decisions and choose different things more often. That will refuel your curiosity.

For example

Let me tell you with some basic example: When you’ll go to a restaurant, you make a change and order something new, something different from what you order usually. You try it and like it more. You’ll get a kick within yourself that it’s good, I should try something else too. And that’s how your curiosity will be triggered.

And this will help you to get out of your comfort zone.

Replace your thought process

Replace your negative thought with a positive one. Whenever you get scared of something and get confused about something. Change the negative thought and replace your thought with something positive and better.

When you’re going for something which is out of your comfort zone and you’ve in mind like –

“What will happen?” “What if anything will go wrong”

Replace your thought process with “I’ll see whatever will happen, I’ve trusted in the process”.

Compare and change the worst possible outcome with possibilities of positive results. And let’s do it.

If you’ve something like this in mind “I’m not capable to do this” Replace your thought process with “I can” and yes you definitely can.

Take negative responses and feedback as a strength to do better. Don’t get easily offended. Use it as an opportunity to get the motivation to do something better.

So by changing your thought process you can eventually be able to get out of your comfort zone.

Make a bucket list

Make a list of things you always wanted to do. Everyone has dreams. Some only think about those dreams and some try to achieve them. So don’t be the one who only dreams about achieving dreams. Be the one who thrives to achieve them in real.

The first step is to acknowledge your dreams. Make a bucket list of things you wanted to do always. Now place this diary in a place where you can see it more often. Read your bucket list and make a plan to fulfill your wishes.

Now get out of your comfort zone to accomplish things one by one.

So you see it’s not impossible to get out of your comfort zone. Take yourself out of your shell and be ready to experience something new, something different.

Also, Read

When You Feel Left Behind In Life

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